Reflections from Sr Antonia

August 14, 2015
The King
As I walked into our Church for Middle Hour one day not long ago, a sister who was already sitting there motioned to me to look out the window to the beams which support the overhang of our Church roof.

August 14, 2015
The Birdsong
I was to meet the deliveries man at the back door at 8.00 a.m. one day last week. Lauds finished just a few minutes after 8.00 so, in a far from contemplative mode, I hurried along the cloister, not wanting to keep him waiting. I saw him there...

August 13, 2016
Stranger On The Shore
When I was in my 20's I dreamed of seeing the world. Perhaps you did too. When, having saved my fare, I was finally able to realise that dream I booked a passage on "The Australis", ...

July 2, 2016
Nature’s Cross
The unsurpassed beauty of the Cross has been nudging its way into my consciousness lately... not from within, but from without. I will never understand the depth of its wisdom or ...

May 28, 2016
Utter stillness marked the hour. I sat watching, waiting and praying, totally at peace.

March 26, 2016
I have listened to the Gospel on a Palm Sunday all my life, and did so of course on this most recent Palm Sunday. To be quite truthful I was spellbound! My eyes actually filled with tears at one point...

March 5, 2016
Quiet Vulnerability
I think the moment of our awareness of vulnerability, be it or own or someone else's, is initially a quiet moment. It is similar to the moment before dawn, that moment when everything in all of nature is perfectly still, waiting... quietly waiting.

February 6, 2016
Kierkegaard, in later adulthood, set out to be deliberately provocative. He was remarkably successful! Reflecting on this as I gazed out my cell window, my attention was caught by two wild ducks...

December 19, 2015
Living in the canyon for two years whilst helping at our foundation of Our Lady of the Desert, New Mexico, USA, brought home to me just how upsidedown things can be "down under".

November 28, 2015
An Encounter
She seemed to appear from nowhere as she gently touched my arm to gain my attention. Startled, I turned and found myself looking into a face etched with a great depth of pain and suffering.