Reflections from Sr Antonia

November 7, 2015
Going Home
The excitement would reach fever pitch once we had changed trains at the junction and boarded the little mail train for the last leg of our journey home. Yes, we were going home!

October 24, 2015
A Snail’s Pace
I picked him from the leaves of my gardenia bush and relocated him to the end of the lawn, confident that that was that. It wasn't!

October 10, 2015
Only A Rose
It looked so fragile and vulnerable, thrusting itself up triumphantly amidst the assorted grasses and weeds. I stood in awe of it, marvelling at its existence.
September 26, 2015
Realizing I had left my Grail translation of the psalter elsewhere, I experienced a momentary frustration. It was early morning as I sat down to pray, watching the darkened sky begin to radiate light, a brilliant blood red.

September 5, 2015
From A Distance
Evening shadows had fallen as I dipped my hand into the holy water font blessed myself and stepped into the cloister, glancing out the window as I did so and catching my breath as I saw...