A series of reflections as we journey together through the current COVID-19 crisis. We continue to pray for you and the world during these uncertain times.

October 12, 2020
Gazing Steadily Into The Storm With Jesus
What does it mean to go over, to cross over to the other side? It might mean to die, or to change the way we see, to see from a different perspective. The pilgrimage with Jesus must be walked through. We cannot get there, over there, without starting right from here.

June 2, 2020
Divine Invitation
You have been invited to meet the friend. No one can resist the divine invitation. And that narrows down all our choices to just two. You can come to God dressed for dancing or be carried to God’s ward on a stretcher.

May 26, 2020
Ascension Sunday – Fig Tree
This morning at Communion, we prayed in thanksgiving for our Fig Tree. It’s been a powerful symbol of God’s constant love, of strength, of the magnificence of creation and of steadfastness…

May 24, 2020
New Soil
The trusting is the planting of the seed into that new soil, that new earth. That’s what this time is asking of us. It’s asking us to plant new seeds into our dark earth time such as winter. For so many people, this pandemic time is a dark earth time.

May 10, 2020
Seeing In A Whole New Way
In these times of isolation, in these times of deprivation, I realise that it is possible for you and I to see things that we have never seen before.

May 3, 2020
Abiding in God’s Heart
Abiding in the heart of God, resting in that divine ocean of grace and peace, breathing in the breath of God…

April 26, 2020
What might God be wanting us to see?
What might God be wanting us to see, to hear, to learn? Wonder and wait. “Be patient with all that is in your heart…
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April 12, 2020
Easter Vigil
He has walked the dark road of death and he has conquered death. He is holding our hands and saying: Do not be afraid, for I, the Risen Christ am with you, I love you, trust me.

April 9, 2020
Betrayal on Thursday
Jesus sat at table with his friend the betrayer, then knelt at his feet and washed them. At that moment perhaps Judas’ glance met that of Jesus, betrayer and betrayed, not “facing off’ as is our wont, …
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April 7, 2020
Anecdotes and Antidotes
Fear, along with shame, is probably one of the most primitive of feelings. And it is all around us now: whether spoken or unspoken, it reverberates across the nations.
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