The word “Oblate” derives originally from the Latin word for “offering”. An Oblate is a person who wants to make a deeper commitment to God by following the Christian journey in the way it is marked out by St. Benedict – that is, “with the Gospel for our guide”. The Rule of St. Benedict is a gospel rule, and a rule which is Christ-centered. The Benedictine way embraces monastic values and principles which lead a Christian to a more serious and disciplined life. These values include:

- Prayer – Liturgy of the Hours, continuous prayer
- Holy Reading (Lectio Divina)
- Some manual work
- Some silence
- Reverence
- Humility
- Obedience
- Peace
- Patience
- Stability of heart
- And much more…
Those who are called to embrace the Benedictine Way as an oblate are drawn to a particular community and are affiliated with a particular monastery. They do not live with the community but rather commit themselves to serving Christ and living the monastic values in their own families, workplaces and circumstances in the world. After a period of discernment and formation (usually 12 months), they offer their lives to God in a formal ceremony of commitment which is witnessed by the community and their family and friends.
Oblates share a special bond with the monastery in Jamberoo. They support the community’s ministry of prayer and worship and generously share their gifts and talents in a myriad of ways. The community offers regular guidance and support for oblates and those in formation. These include:
- Retreats
- Meetings during the year to learn, share and support each other in the living of the Rule
- Weekly lectio divina on the Sunday Gospel which can be found on our website (or posted if needed)
- The “Pax” magazine published five times each year
Oblates can be male or female, single or married, baptised Christians of any denomination. Currently, there are over 400 Jamberoo Abbey Oblates spread across five countries.
If you feel called to become an Oblate affiliated to the Jamberoo Monastery, contact:
Sr Hildegard Ryan
Director of Oblates
Benedictine Abbey
695 Jamberoo Mountain Rd
NSW 2533
Or email
Oblate Websites
World Congress Site:
UK Oblates’ Site:
Daily Readings from the Rule:
Further Information:
- Becoming an Oblate
- Oblate Formation
- Suggested Benedictine Reading
- Video Links
- Lectio Divina
- Words from the Heart
- A Word from the Desert