
While our primary work is prayer we also earn our living and support ourselves through the work of our hands. To enable us to continue praying as we work, we choose, as far as practicable, a form of work that is quiet and contemplative in nature.


Our primary source of income is from the making and decorating of candles and cards. We produce candles for all occasions including sacramental ceremonies, liturgical seasons and school graduations. We also run a bookshop selling religious books and gifts. In addition to our craft work, a number of sisters are engaged in caring for visitors and guests and in giving prayer guidance to those who are on retreat in our Cottages. Sisters also work in the areas of formation, accounting, liturgy, study and research, the library, the infirmary (care of our elderly sisters and the sick), sewing of habits, cooking, gardening and doing the usual household chores.

Down on the Farm

The monastery is not entirely self-sufficient but we do grow some of our own vegetables and fruit and have hens to supply us with fresh eggs.


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How the Candles are made

See below a selection of photos detailing the process of our Sisters making the Candles:

When they live by the labour of their hands, as our fathers and the apostles did, then they are truly monks. RB:48:8