Monastic Musings

September 12, 2015
Get into that Wheelbarrow!
Sometimes I hear a story that takes my breath away. This was one. Do you want to know - or perhaps you do know - what the difference is between faith and trust?

September 12, 2015
Breathe Christ
One of the practices at the heart of Lectio Divina, the Benedictine way of prayer is meditation.

September 12, 2015
International Womens Day 2015
Today we celebrate International Women’s day. Around the world we are holding in our heart and our prayer.

September 12, 2015
Carrying The Past
Learning to live in the present moment, learning to live in the now is an aspect of spiritual discipline and a goal of spiritual practice that is common to all the major spiritual traditions across our globe.

September 12, 2015
Perhaps obedience is not a word that sits easily with us today yet it is one of the three vows taken by the Benedictine monk. The word obedience is first mentioned at the beginning of the prologue to the Rule of St Benedict and...

September 12, 2015
I have Come that you may have Life – Part 2
God says today I offer life and death, then choose life, choose life entirely. Give your self unconditionally to the abundant and generous life gifted you.

September 12, 2015
I have Come that you may have Life – Part 1
With such generosity does Jesus utter these words! I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full. I for you in abundance...

September 12, 2015
Keep Death Daily before our Eyes
St Benedict instructs us to keep death daily before our eyes. Is this a morbid thing? No, not at all. St Benedict puts this instruction in Chapter 4 of his Rule which he entitles 'The tools for good works'.

September 12, 2015
Each Day is a new Beginning
I heard a story about a small pelican community on the west coast of the US. Since the turn of the last century these pelicans had been feeding on the waste from a fish processing factory which was left on the wharf, a rich diet of bone and entrail.

September 12, 2015
This being Human is a Guest House
Lectio this morning was an invitation to consider the lilies that neither toil nor spin. Those lilies are not managers or achievers or worriers. They are not motivated by anxiety or fear.