A Word From the Desert

September 2, 2015
Blessed are the Peacemakers
It was said that there were three friends who were not afraid of hard work. The first chose to reconcile those who were fighting each other, as it is said, ‘Blessed are the peace-makers’.

November 21, 2015
Example Of A Brick
Two old men had lived together for many years and had never fought with one another. The first said to the other, 'Let us also have a fight like other men do.' The other replied, 'I do not know how to fight.'

March 5, 2016
The Aim Of A Monk’s Life
The aim of the monk's life was not asceticism, but God, and the way to God was charity.

April 9, 2016
Charity And Slander
A brother asked an old man, 'How is it that in these days some afflict themselves in their manner of life and do not receive grace as the ancients did?'

February 22, 2016
Let Us Dwell Together
There were two brothers at the Cells. The elder said to the younger, 'Brother, let us dwell together.' He said to him, 'I am a sinner. I cannot live with you Abba'. But the other insisted on it, saying, 'Yes, we can do it'.

November 7, 2015
Pray God to give you compunction of heart and humility. Pay continual attention to your sins, and do not judge others, ...

September 4, 2015
Foaming In The Mouth
A man possessed by the devil, who was foaming terribly at the mouth, struck a hermit-monk on the cheek.

April 23, 2016
An old man said, 'For nine years a brother was tempted in thought to the point of despairing of his salvation, and being scrupulous he condemned himself...

March 19, 2016
Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil
An old man said, 'The life of the monk is obedience, meditation, not judging, not slandering, not complaining.