A Word From the Desert

September 2, 2015
Become All Flame
Abba Joseph came to Abba Lot and said to him: ‘Father, according to my strength I keep a moderate rue of prayer and fasting, quiet and meditation, and as far as I can I control my imagination; what more must I do?’

September 2, 2015
I Am A Beginner
The old men used to say, ‘When you see a young man ascending up to heaven through his own will, seize him by the foot and pull him down, for this is good for him.’

August 28, 2015
When I Fall
A monk looking for some guidance encouragement went to Abba Sisoius and asked: ‘What am I to do since I have fallen?’

August 28, 2015
An old man said: The prophets wrote books, then came our Fathers who put them into practice.

August 23, 2015
One monk was moved to question the difference between the monk who received visitors and the one who did not: the example he chose was his visit to the austere noble man, Arsenius, and to the reformed robber, Moses.

August 28, 2015
Relax Your Efforts
The Desert Fathers lived a life of continual ‘striving’, but not of taut effort the whole time.