Current News
July 4, 2023
Retreat with Laura Swan
Laura will be presenting a week-long retreat focusing on The Desert Ammas and the Wisdom of the Beguines.
April 6, 2022
Holy Week 2022 Timetable
Here you will find the timetable for Holy Week 2022 and how to book if you would like to attend the prayers.
April 12, 2022
No Friday Meditation on Good Friday
Friday meditation will not be held on Good Friday...
November 16, 2021
Friday Meditation with Sr Magdalen
A Covid blessing has been discovering that we can come together for prayer and meditation despite the distances between us. Please join us for a zoom meditation together on Friday afternoons.
July 13, 2021
Rabbi Rami at One River Wisdom School
One River Wisdom School – Perennial Wisdom for the Spiritually Independent retreat provides a unique opportunity to explore some of the sacred threads common to our spiritual traditions and those practices which make the Divine One present and manifest in our daily lives; and to explore the Perennial Wisdom at the mystic heart of the world religions.
June 23, 2021
Solemn Monastic Profession of Sr Petra Dorothy
Live streaming of the ceremony of Solemn Monastic Profession of Sr Petra Dorothy.
December 22, 2020
2020 Newsletter – Prayer & Peace
We are especially pleased to be able to communicate with you in this way and pray the richest of blessings upon you, your families, communities and all who are dear to you. Our newsletter this year is taking a different form.
September 26, 2020
Sr Julian’s Temporary Profession
It was a great joy for us when Sr Julian (Tasha Grigor) made her temporary profession as a member of our community on Tuesday 15 September, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.