The O Antiphons: O Adonai
December 18, 2017 | Reflections From Sr Mary
The second Advent bell will soon ring out
O Adonai
Ruler of the House of Israel,
who appeared to Moses in the burning bush,
and gave the law to him on Sinai:
Come, and save us with outstretched arm.
Tonight, we shine a light on the plight of refugees left languishing on Christmas Island, Nauru and Manus Island.
O Adonai, come with your outstretched arm and ransom us
In our O Antiphon, with the people of the Old Testament, we name God “Lord” or “Adonai”. In doing so, we are reminded that in God, we do not have some mighty figure distant from us, but one who is familiar with and to us; one who sees and understands the workings of our hearts, the ups and downs of our lives, the joys and sufferings of our world.
And so, we pray that Adonai will stretch out his hand to refugees throughout the world, in love, in comfort, in saving. And, to the little refugee family we know and love in Sydney (Daniella, Alex and Joey) and all who are waiting in hope on our Pacific Islands, we send love, prayers and a promise to keep on working to provide a future full of hope for them.
O Adonai
Ruler of the House of Israel,
who appeared to Moses in the burning bush,
and gave the law to him on Sinai:
Come, and save us with outstretched arm.