Reflections From Sr Mary

February 2, 2016

Opening our Holy Doors!

Today, let us choose and open our holy doors, doors to God, doors to one another, doors to deeper love and mercy, doors to newness, freshness, life itself!

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August 8, 2015

The Temple Of God Is Holy

This evening we are embarking on a number of days of remembrance and commemoration. We know that throughout Australia & New Zealand and in Turkey and France, people are preparing for the many ceremonies which will mark the centenary of the ANZAC landing.

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August 8, 2015

Road To Emmaus

During Lent we shared the words that spoke to our hearts and that was very inspiring and encouraging for all of us.

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August 8, 2015

Time & Mindfulness

We so often find ourselves saying: “I haven’t got enough time to get everything done!” I know that I certainly say it and I am sure that many of you do also.

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June 29, 2016

Reconciliation Week

Over the past week, and including today, we celebrated five significant events which happened to coincide due to our liturgical cycle this year. We celebrated Corpus Christi last Sunday, Sacred Heart on Friday and ...

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April 9, 2016

Easter Reflection 2016

I would like to begin with the beautiful Easter greeting from the resurrected Jesus which we are hearing again and again in the Readings during these days... Peace be with you!

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April 9, 2016

Lent: Continuous Prayer

There are some stories, some images, some phrases in the Scriptures which we can hear over and over again but which always strike a chord in us. We hear them again but we also hear them anew.

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July 18, 2015


Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.

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July 18, 2015


We began our Lenten journey by remembering the ancient monastic practice for asking for a word.

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August 8, 2015

Holy Week Reflection

Jesus’ blood never failed me yet. Never failed me yet, Jesus blood never failed me yet. This one thing I know, for he loved me so.

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